ECCB'12 - Call for Papers
*** This call is closed ***
Please use the [EasyChair paper submission] system to upload your manuscript.
ECCB'12 will bring together Bioinformaticians and Computational Biologists working in a broad range of disciplines, including bioinformatics, computational biology, biology, medicine, and systems biology. Papers that demonstrate both the development of new computational techniques and their application to molecular or systems biology, with significant outcomes to biomedical, agricultural, and environmental questions are especially encouraged. We are soliciting research papers in any aspect of computational biology, including (but not limited to) the following areas:
Area | Area chairs |
Applied and Translational Bioinformatics | Julio Saez-Rodriguez; Ioannis Xenarios |
Bioimaging, Spatial-temporal Modeling and Data Visualization | Sean O'Donoghue; Dagmar Iber |
Bioinformatics of Health and Disease, Biomarkers and Personalized Medicine | Yves Moreau; Niko Beerenwinkel; |
Databases, Ontologies, and Text Mining | Alfonso Valencia; Dietrich Rebholz-Schuhman |
Evolution, Phylogeny, and Comparative Genomics | Nicolas Galtier; Marc Robinson-Rechavi |
Macromolecular Structure, Dynamics and Function. | Anna Tramontano; Torsten Schwede |
Mutations, Variations, and Population Genomics | Richard Durbin; Sven Bergmann |
Protein Interactions, Molecular Networks, and Proteomics | Rob Russel; Christian von Mering |
Regulation, Pathways, and Systems Biology | Thomas Höfer; Fabian Theis |
Sequencing and Sequence Analysis | Martin Vingron; Gaston Gonnet |
Technology and Software (TechTrack) | Gert Vriend; Jacques Rougemont |
Please use the [EasyChair paper submission] system to upload your manuscript.
Accepted papers will be published in a special, open-access, online-only issue of Bioinformatics (Oxford University Press). They will be citable as regular articles and indexed in Medline and ISI.
Presenters of accepted papers will be given a 20-minute time slot in the conference schedule to provide a summary and update to their work.
Papers submitted for review should represent original, previously unpublished work. At the time the paper is submitted to ECCB'12, and for the entire review period, the paper should not be under review by any other conference or scientific journal.
We will accept long papers, corresponding to “Original papers” in the categories of the journal Bioinformatics (5-7 pages long). Authors should use of the templates available for download farther down this page in order to facilitate processing of accepted papers. Using the templates will also enable you to accurately estimate the number of pages of your paper. The initial submission format is PDF.
Paper submission deadline: 30 March 2012 (midnight GMT).
Extended deadline for manuscript updates and late submissions: 8 April 2012 (midnight GMT).
Notification of paper acceptance: May 15, 2012.
Submission of final version of accepted papers deadline - June 5, 2012
Submissions will be reviewed by three members of the Program Committee. The final, corrected version of accepted papers must conform to the formatting guidelines. Details of the submission process and the format of accepted papers will be provided at the time of paper acceptance. Papers not accepted may be resubmitted as posters by June 20, 2012.
For your initial submission, please prepare your manuscript as a single file and then prepare a PDF version of the manuscript file, including all figures and tables, for online submission. Supplementary materials can be appended at the end of the PDF. Use of the appropriate templates for the journal Bioinformatics is strongly encouraged:
[Download Word Template] [Download LaTex template]
Questions about paper submission should be addressed to
Please use the [EasyChair paper submission] system to upload your manuscript.
Please refer to the instructions to authors of Bioinformatics original papers for preparing your manuscript. Specifically:
- Please subdivide your manuscript into: Title page, Structured Abstract, Introduction, System and methods, Algorithm, Implementation, Results and Discussion, References.
- The title should be short, specific and informative.
- The surname and initials of each author should be followed by his/her department, Institution, city with postal code and country. Any changes of address may be added to the footnotes.
Abstracts are structured with a standard layout such that the text is divided into sub-sections under the following five headings: Motivation, Results, Availability and Implementation, Contact and Supplementary Information. In cases where authors feel the headings inappropriate, some flexibility is allowed. The abstracts should be succinct and contain only material relevant to the headings. A maximum of 150 words is recommended.
Motivation: This section should specifically state the scientific question within the context of the field of study.
Results: This section should summarize the scientific advance or novel results of the study, and its impact on computational biology.
Availability and Implementation: This section should state software availability if the paper focuses mainly on software development or on the implementation of an algorithm. If the manuscript describes new software tools or the implementation of novel algorithms the software must be freely available to non-commercial users. Authors must also ensure that the software is available for a full TWO YEARS following publication. The editors of Bioinformatics encourage authors to make their source code available and, if possible, to provide access through an open source license (see for examples.
Contact:Full email address to be given, preferably an institution email address.
Supplementary information: Links to additional figures/data available on a web site, preference to online-only supplementary data available at the journal's web site.
References should conform to standard scientific reporting style. Previous work in the field should be mentioned. Sufficient information should be given so that an application can be re-implemented. A test data set and results must be provided (where appropriate).
Myasnikova,E. et al. (2000) Registration of the expression patterns of Drosophila segmentation genes by two independent methods. Bioinformatics, 17, 3-12.
Schäfer,J. and Strimmer,K. (2005) An empirical Bayes approach to inferring large-scale gene association networks. Bioinformatics, 21, 754-764.
Submissions not conforming with the "Instructions to authors" will be returned without review.