Call for Late Poster Abstracts


***** This call is closed *****


Posters, representing condensed descriptions of ongoing work, will be displayed during the meeting. Posters should describe original, interesting, and solid scientific content that is relevant to bioinformatics and computational biology.  Poster abstracts should be submitted by August 1, 2012, using the online poster abstract submission form:


[Online Poster Submission is closed] 


Poster abstract submissions will be reviewed continously; authors will be notified about acceptance typically 2-3 weeks after submission. Posters received after the 1. August deadline can be exhibited, but abstracts will only be visible online, but can not be included in the abstract booklet.


The poster abstract should be max. 250 words and will be included in the electronic conference program and posted on the conference web site. The abstract should be unformatted plain text, and not contain your name / title / position or personal information (e.g. affiliation, address, etc.). Poster abstracts will be reviewed to ensure that the content is appropriate. We will attempt to accept as many posters as possible, subject to space restrictions.


Posters are intended to convey scientific results and are not advertisements. Please note that advertisements for products or commercial services etc. can not be accepted as scientific posters. Please contact for sponsoring and exhibition, and technology presentation opportunities at ECCB'12.


A number of appropriate posters will be invited by the program commitee for short presentations during the Technology Track of ECCB'12.


The presenting author of each poster must register for the conference by August 1, 2012 for the poster to be included in the program. Presenting authors are expected to attend the poster session. Therefore, no conference participant should be the presenting author on more than one poster; but submitting both a paper and poster is acceptable.


Each poster will have a space of 1 meter wide by 1.5 meters tall (39 x 59 inches). The conference will provide material for hanging posters.


By submitting a poster abstract, you confirm that the poster is based on your own work, and that all co-authors agree with the content of the abstract and poster. After submission, you will receive a confirmation email with the data you have submitted. Please note that the abstract can not be changed or edited after submission.